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June 26,2021

Why It's a Bad Idea to Use Store-Bought Drain Cleaners

If your shower feels more like a dirty bath as filthy water collects around your feet, then it is probably past time to address that drain clog. There are many ways to unclog a drain, including drain snaking, plunging, and flushing the drain with homemade mixtures. Many homeowners, however, rush to take the shortcut with store-bought chemical drain cleaners. At Mr. Rooter Plumbing, we advise against using store-bough drain cleaners for reasons we will go over in this article. If you prefer to leave your drain professionally cleaned, then call Mr. Rooter Plumbing to schedule a drain cleaning today.

The Risks of Drain Cleaners

Drain cleaners often include harsh chemicals such as sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid. These chemicals can present serious health risks and damage your plumbing pipes and drains. Even though pipes are made of sturdy materials such as galvanized steel and cast iron, the corrosive effects of harsh chemicals can break them down. This deterioration of the pipes can make way for serious leaks and burst pipes. The risks of drain cleaners are multiplied if you own a septic system as the chemicals can kill the helpful bacteria in the septic tank.

These chemicals can also leak and contaminate your water source or an underground water source. This makes your drinking water unsafe and can expose you to legal liability if the water source is polluted.

Safe Alternatives

You do not have to settle for drain cleaners. There are plenty of safe alternatives. The traditional route is the drain snake and plunger. We have some guides on how to properly plunge your drains. Granted, drain snaking and plunging ask for a solid amount of elbow grease.

If you prefer to simply pour down the drain, then consider baking soda and vinegar. Pour one about a half cup of baking soda followed by a half cup of vinegar. Once the fizzing subsides, wash it all down with hot water.

You can also go with enzyme cleaners. These are also liquid drain cleaners but without the harmful chemicals. Instead, these cleaners have bacteria that dissolve organic material such as hair, food scraps, soap scum, and other components of clogs. Though they are slower, enzyme cleaners are also safer for your pipes.

The Professional Option

For those who want to leave plumbing work to the professionals, there is Mr. Rooter Plumbing’s hydro jetting drain cleaning service. Our hydro jetting technology safely and thoroughly clears drains and pipes. Our licensed plumbers begin with a live video inspection of the drains to assess the condition of the pipes and pinpoint the blockage. If the pipes are found to be sturdy, then the located blockage will be blasted with pressurized water, sending the debris down the line. Call Mr. Rooter Plumbing to schedule your appointment today.

Emergency Service Available

Clogged drains can cause a host of problems ranging from water and sewage backups to burst pipes. If you have an emergency situation and need an urgent plumber dispatch, then call Mr. Rooter Plumbing to get in touch with a live representative.

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