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June 20,2023

3 Causes of Sewer Pipe Clogs in Summer

As summer comes around, homeowners may experience an uncomfortable and inconvenient issue: clogged sewer pipes. Understanding their causes is crucial to prevent such issues from developing and act swiftly if they do arise. Mr. Rooter Plumbing helps you understand when to contact a professional plumber and when you can handle the concern yourself.

Reason 1: Heavy Rainfall

Summer rainfall can wreak havoc on sewer systems. Excess rainwater may seep into the soil, flooding sewer lines and overpowering them - leading to blockages and overburdening the system in places with outdated or inadequate infrastructure, resulting in expensive sewer repair. It is critical to monitor your sewer pipes to prevent blockages regularly. If your area experiences frequent heavy downpours, take steps to keep clog-free pipes.

Reason 2: Drought

While it may seem counterintuitive, drought conditions may contribute to sewer pipe clogs. When combined with prolonged dry spells, lack of moisture in the soil causes it to shrink and contract, leaving cracks and gaps open for tree roots and debris to enter pipes and cause blockages that impede wastewater flow. Therefore, regular and maintenance inspections can detect early signs of damage and help avoid future clogs caused by drought-related issues.

Reason 3: Tree and Plant Root Growth

In the summertime, trees and plants often seek sources of moisture; unfortunately, sewer pipes offer the perfect environment. Their warmth, moisture, and nutrients attract roots that infiltrate plumbing systems over time, eventually blocking them with leaks and blockages. It is vitally important that homeowners with trees or large plants near sewer lines be vigilant by employing preventive measures such as root barriers or periodic root removal to limit potential clogs in sewer lines.

How Can You Determine If Your Pipes Are Clogged?

Early identification of clogged sewer pipes is critical to avoid further damage and costly repairs. Here are some indicators you may want to watch out for:

  • Smell: Any unpleasant odors emanating from your drains or yard could indicate a blockage in the sewer line. Accumulated waste and stagnant water can produce an offensive odor that may linger even after cleaning.
  • Partial Draining: If water pools or takes longer to drain from sinks, showers, or toilets, it could indicate a partial blockage in your sewer pipes. Reduced flow could result from obstructions preventing wastewater from moving smoothly through its route.
  • Slow Draining: Slow drainage may be another telltale sign of a blocked sewer line. Pay close attention to how quickly water runs down your drains - if its speed decreases substantially, investigate potential blockages as soon as possible.
  • Septic Tank Backup: Properties with septic systems can experience septic tank backup due to clogs in their sewer lines. Signs of such backup include drain gurgling noises, strong sewer odors, or wastewater emerging from lower drains or fixtures - if this occurs, professionals must seek immediate assistance immediately.

Mr. Rooter Plumbing

Mr. Rooter Plumbing understands the frustration and inconvenience caused by pipe clogs during summer months, so with our professional plumbing service, we're here to assist in swiftly and effectively resolving them. Our team of skilled plumbers has the knowledge and tools to deal with clogs caused by heavy rainfalls, droughts, tree root growth, or any other source. Whether it be minor blockages or more serious obstructions, our experts provide a complete inspection to identify their source before providing the most appropriate solutions that will restore the proper flow of wastewater flow.

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