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January 01,2022

Common Holiday Plumbing Disasters

The holidays are full of joy, guests, and delicious meals. With so much catching up to do with family and loved ones, the last thing you want is to have to set aside time to deal with a plumbing disaster. You can avoid holiday plumbing problems if you are vigilant and proactive though. In this article brought to you by your friends at Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Pittsburgh, we will review some common holiday plumbing disasters and preventative measures to take. If the damage has been done, then waste no time in calling Mr. Rooter Plumbing to have one of our qualified plumbers dispatched to your location as soon as within the hour. We are also ready to schedule your routine plumbing service.

Clogged Toilets, Bathtubs, and Sinks

With so many guests in the house, you can expect a greater risk of clogs along with the increased usage. We strongly advise you kindly remind guests, especially children, that the only things to be flushed down the toilet are toilet paper, pee, and poo. Keep out hygiene products, paper towels, wet wipes, and everything else, really. Even multi-ply toilet paper can be risky. Installing a bidet can be a great investment.

Clogged bathroom sinks and bathtub drains are also serious threats. To reduce the risk, we recommend you install drain filters, use liquid soap rather than fatty, bar soap, and brush your hair before jumping in the shower.

Finally, lets talk about the kitchen. If you are thinking of preparing hearty meals, then be sure to keep food scraps out of the kitchen sink even if you have a garbage disposal. Bread, pasta, and wheats are dangerous as they absorb water and expand in the drains. Used fats, oils, and greases are especially risky because they can harden in the drains, get stuck, and stick to incoming debris, forming serious clogs.

No Hot Water

With so many guests lining up for the shower, those toward the end of the line might experience shivers if you have a tank-style water heater. Staggering usage and setting a shower schedule can save your guests from cold showers. We also recommend you arrange your dishwashing and laundry cleaning with the limited hot water in mind. If you have not scheduled your routine water heater maintenance, then call Mr. Rooter Plumbing to have the unit inspected before guests arrive. It is better to be safe than sorry, but we are ready if you need urgent assistance too.

Struggling Dishwasher and Washing Machine

More people in the house means more clothes to wash. In addition to the tip in the previous section, we recommend you periodically check hoses for buildup and other issues. As for the dishwasher, make sure to fully clear dishes of food scraps and fats, oils, and greases. These can clog the dishwasher and have you washing dishes by hand.

Mr. Rooter Plumbing Is Ready to Help

The excitement of the holiday season can make you forget these seemingly common-sense tips. If disaster does strike, though, you can call Mr. Rooter Plumbing to arrange an emergency dispatch. Our plumbers are ready to deliver quality plumbing service and plumbing repair today.

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