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February 07,2023

Dos and Don'ts of Drain Cleaning

When it comes to taking care of your drains, there are a few things you should be doing and a few things you shouldn’t be doing. Doing some of the right things can save money and ensure that your drains work properly for years to come. On the other hand, some things seem like a good idea but can result in damage or costly maintenance issues. It’s essential to understand when you should do something instead of when you should leave it alone. Mr. Rooter Plumbing has these do’s and don’ts for you as a guide when you need to call a plumber.

Drain cleaning is a necessary part of home maintenance. When done correctly, it can save you money in the long run. But some standard practices can increase your chances of clogs and backups.


Install a Drain Filter

Drain filters help to catch larger particles before they reach your pipes and drain lines. This will help prevent clogs from occurring as quickly. They are usually installed under the sink, but they can be placed anywhere inside the home where pipes converge. If you have an older home without a filter, this is something you should consider adding to your home’s plumbing system.

Schedule Regular Drain Cleaning

Regular drain cleaning is necessary to keep drains flowing smoothly and efficiently throughout the year. A professional plumber should inspect the system after each use, including sinks, tubs, showers, and toilets, and perform regular maintenance as needed. This will ensure that no blockages occur in any areas of your home while preventing costly repairs down the road because of blocked pipes or drains.

Baby-Proof Your Toilet

Always keep the lid closed to prevent small children from falling in. If you have a toilet with a flushing mechanism that uses water, ensure it is covered with a plate or plug when not in use. This will prevent any potential damage to the flushing mechanism.

Schedule a Drain Inspection

If you notice your drains backing up or are slow draining, call Mr. Rooter Plumbing immediately and schedule an inspection. The sooner we get in there and look at the problem, the better chance we have of fixing it quickly and inexpensively.


Don’t Use Boiling Water

There are better ways to clean your drain than boiling water. The main reason is that boiling water can cause damage to pipes, particularly those made of PVC or other synthetic materials.

Don’t Use DIY Drain Cleaning Solutions

DIY drain cleaners are often powerful chemicals that can cause severe damage if they come in contact with your skin or eyes. Some DIY solutions can even be toxic and potentially deadly if ingested by humans or animals.

Don’t Pour Oil, Grease, or Fats Down Your Drain

Oil and grease can build up in drains over time, eventually causing clogs and backups. Spinning oil down the drain will eventually solidify and block off portions of your pipe. This could result in a backup that could flood your property if not fixed immediately!

Don’t Try and Retrieve a Blockage By Yourself

Don’t try to retrieve an object lodged in your drain by yourself. It could be dangerous, like a syringe or, even worse, a snake. These can cause serious health problems if you touch them. Instead, contact a dependable plumber who can safely remove the object from your drain system.

Mr. Rooter Plumbing

As such, be sure to call a reputable and trusted professional such as Mr. Rooter Plumbing for any drain cleaning projects that you are undertaking in your home or business. You want to avoid being surprised with hidden charges when the job is complete.

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