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July 12,2019

Frozen Pipe Prevention

Winter comes with its plummeting cold temperatures which could have a negative effect on our pipes. Such cold temperatures are known to cause the inside of pipes to freeze; this leads to the bursting of pipes and damage to property when no one is available to put off the water supply.

However, a lot of people think that pipes get to freeze only during winter. This is a wrong perception as the pipes will most likely freeze under the following conditions:

  • Pipes located in interior areas without heat such as kitchen cabinets, basements, garages or even attics.
  • Pipes that are found on exterior walls without insulation.
  • Pipes that are directly exposed to cold temperatures such as water sprinkler lines, hose bibs, and supply lines.

Preventing Pipes from Getting Frozen

As the temperature drops, it is essential that you take note of the following preventive measures so as to save yourself the cost of damaged pipes.

Turn the heat on

A lot of people frown when told to keep their heat on. This keeps your house warm thereby preventing the pipe from getting frozen and it also saves you from incurring costs that comes with property damage when pipes burst. Its highly advisable that you maintain the same temperature in your home both at night and during the day using your thermostat.

Ensure that the doors inside the house are left open

During winter, it is important to keep the interior doors open when the heater is on; so that heat from the house can maintain the temperature of the pipes. The warm air circulating can thus reach the pipes located in the interior areas of the kitchen and bathroom. The cabinet doors are also to be kept open.

Insulate the pipes

Insulating the pipes helps in preventing it from freezing. When insulating the pipe, it is also essential that the pipe isnt directly exposed to the cold as insulating the pipe wont be of any importance if the pipe is exposed to low temperatures. Pipes found in basements need this so as to reduce their chances of freezing up. Call Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Pittsburgh to get your pipe insulated by professional plumbers.

Let the cold water drip from the faucet

When the temperature decreases, its recommended that you open the faucet slightly.

Doing this will allow water to drip and thus help in reducing the pressure in the system.

The increase in pressure could lead to pipe bursts. Therefore, when the faucet is open, this pressure build up could be prevented.

Ensure that the garage door is always kept close

This is very essential as water supply pipes usually pass through the garage. If such pipes are left exposed to the cold it can lead to the freezing up of the pipe.

Make use of heating tape

This is mostly applicable for short units of pipes that you can be accessed easily. The

heating tape helps in supplying an ample amount of heat to a pipe thus keeping it warm.

For more clarification and guidance on how to prevent your pipes from getting frozen call Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Pittsburgh, our team of highly trained and licensed plumbers will give you more tips.

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