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February 05,2020

What to Do If You Have Only Hot Water in Your Shower?

Its one thing to have a shower with no hot water, giving you shivers but harmless nonetheless, and its another to have a shower with only scalding hot water, making it near impossible to shower without risking first-degree burns. Surely you would elect to shower in freezing cold water over scalding hot water if you were to choose between the two. So, what do you do if you cannot opt out of the latter? What should you do if there is only hot water coming out of your showerhead?

Luckily, this is an issue that local plumbers at Mr. Rooter Plumbing has run into, diagnosed, and fixed many times in the past. As a service to our friends, neighbors, and clients, we are here to run through some of the possible culprits and present potential solutions.

What in The World Is Happening?

A shower with only cold water makes sense to most people: the heater is likely not working. But what about strictly hot water? Is the water heating working overtime? Well, probably not. This would not make sense because there are separate water lines for hot water and cold water. There are a couple of possible reasons for this issue though. Lets get to the root of the problem.

Check the Shutoff Valve

First things first, run through all of the water sources in your building to determine if the lack of cold water is an issue all around the house. If there is no cold water anywhere in the house, then you likely have a shutoff valve in the main water supply that is turned off. If so, you can sigh a breath of relief. Simply turn the valve back on and your cold water should make its way back into your house plumbing.

However, if it is only your shower that is spraying scorching hot water, then the issue is likely with your shower plumbing, not the overall plumbing system.

A Malfunctioning Pressure-Balancing Valve

A pressure-balancing valve controls the pressure as well as the combination of hot and cold water flowing from your shower head. Essentially, it is what mixes the cold water and hot water to give you the temperate that is just right. You will run into problems with your pressure-balancing valve if it is used too much and if it is used too little. Over time, as it is exposed to water, the valve corrodes and wears down, requiring a replacement. Corrosion is also likely if the valve is not used often-enough.

So, What Should I Do?

Well, you are going to have to replace the old shower cartridge that houses the pressure-balancing valve. Luckily, these can be found at your local hardware store. We do not recommend you do this on your own lest you end up in a scene from a classic comedy with water blasting out of the pipe into your bathroom. But, if you have a knack for handywork, then head to the store and buy yourself one and bring out the handy-dandy tools. You will also need a Phillips and flat-head screwdriver, cartridge puller, Allen wrench, needle-nose plier, plumbers grease, and locking pliers.

If you would prefer to have a licensed expert quickly handle this for you, call the professional plumbers at Mr. Rooter Plumbing. We offer flat rate, upfront pricing with no overtime charges. Our friendly staff are on standby for your call with 24/7 emergency services. We look forward to returning you to your regular schedule.

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