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June 20,2019

Maintenance Tips to Help Your Plumbing System

Interestingly, the plumbing system accounts for about fifteen percent of the value of a home and it plays a significant role in our day to day lives.

However, it's easy to neglect the impact the plumbing system has until something goes wrong!

While keeping an eye on the plumbing system might not come off as an interesting activity; a regular inspection of your plumbing system and subsequent maintenance checks could save you thousands of dollars and also give you peace of mind.

Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Pittsburgh has outlined some maintenance tips for you. If followed carefully, these tips would go a long way in ensuring that your plumbing system keeps working optimally for an extended period. Freel free to call us now to schedule a local plumber in Pittsburgh area.

Repair or replace leaky shower heads and faucets

When the shower head or faucet drips as they are turned off, there is an issue. Many homeowners overlook this issue, but when you look at the cost implications, in the long run, you will find out its counter-productive.

Typically, a drip a minute will equal about 34 gallons of water yearly! Now, imagine all of these going into your septic tank. Its always more economical to fix the problem as soon as possible.

Prevent build-up of debris in pipes

If you notice that it takes a longer time than usual for the water to flow down the drain, it could be indicative of waste clogging the pipe. You want to fix this problem before it escalates. Typically, a mixture of baking soda and hot water should do the trick.

Be cautious about what goes down the drain

its not a good practice to pour just anything down the sink. You would do well to avoid fibrous or stringy food wastes from going down the drain. These could build up fast and leave with the mess of a clogged drain.

Dont use the toilet bowl as a trash can

This is one area where many homeowners default. The toilet bowl was made to take only human waste. You shouldnt flush down non-biodegradable materials like pampers, tampons, condoms, etc., down the toilet seat.

Insulate pipes in preparation for winter

Water freezes in pipes during winter, which could impede the flow of water. What's even worse, when water freezes in the pipeline, it could lead to bursting which would be expensive to replace.

Its a good idea to insulate your pipes in preparation for the wintery months.

Invest in routine plumbing maintenance

In as much as Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Pittsburgh has brought you some useful tips in maintaining your plumbing system, there are other maintenance works that cant be resolved with a DIY option. Every once in a while, it's better to have a professional to help you keep your plumbing system in shape. It will prevent an unanticipated breakdown and save you money and comfort.

Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Pittsburgh is your friendly plumbing expert. We typically arrive in time to do justice to your plumbing situation. Expect only quality service done with extreme professionalism. We are just a call away.

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